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Woodmansterne Primary


Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

Leaders have carefully designed the curriculum, so it is personalised to meet the needs of our children, allowing them to apply their learnt knowledge and skills and give purpose to their learning. Our approach is unique to Woodmansterne and aims to develops 21st Century skills in our children.

Reading underpins our entire curriculum, which is steeped in the development of fluency and the use of high-quality vocabulary, with the aim that every child becomes a confident, fluent reader. Our curriculum intent encompasses; ‘Wider Learning’, ‘Personal Development’ and the progression of ‘Skills and Knowledge’, growing learners for life.

Please see the school's SEND Policy for further information on how we make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or SEN.


Curriculum Implementation 

At Woodmansterne we provide a creative curriculum which exceeds the requirements of the National Curriculum. The core subjects of maths, English and science along with Computing, PSHE, RE, PE, Music, Outdoor Learning and French are taught discreetly through carefully sequenced schemes of work. However, we teach our creative subjects (Art and DT) and humanities (History and Geography) through a more holistic, cross-curricular approach which we call 'Learning Experiences'. 

Our Learning Experience curriculum is driven by engaging themes that provide meaningful and relevant experiences, fostering a love of learning for our pupils. Knowledge and skills are purposefully and logically sequenced to enable progression so that pupils know more and remember more, applying their learning in an interconnected way towards clearly defined end points in these subjects. As a result of extensive design and planning of our Learning Experience curriculum, learning is sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, and no learning is in isolation.

If you require further information about our curriculum, click here to read our curriculum policy or please contact a member of the Teaching and Learning Team via the school office school@wps.org.uk.

Learning Experience Work

We use a wide range of formative assessment strategies to check for understanding and continually adapt teaching to meet the needs of all learners. At the beginning of all new learning, we use a range of informal entry assessments of key content including KWL grids (Know, Want to Know, Learnt) and then our plans are adapted accordingly.

Live marking is used in every lesson to assess against the learning objective and allow children to edit and improve their work and then misconceptions are addressed in future lessons.  Summative assessment is collected three times a year. Teachers meet with the SLT to discuss data and next steps on a termly basis and produce provision maps for their class to plan and monitor support and interventions. 

Our approach to teaching and learning is centred around Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction and this year the school is focusing its staff CPD on developing and embedding these principles in the learning that every child receives.   

Our RSHE curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced having consulted with stakeholders. It reflects the age and context of our children and is embedded within our PSHE curriculum using the SCARF scheme of work.

Learning Experiences Map

Enrichment & Extra Curricular Provision 


Curriculum Impact 


School leaders and governors have created a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel. Data at the end of Early Years and Key Stage 2 is in line with or exceeds national averages in most areas.

Key Stage 2 SATS Results 2024






Expected Standard (EXS)





Greater Depth Standard (GDS)





Boys EXS





Girls EXS





Boys GDS





Girls GDS





Disadvantaged EXS

(% at GDS in brackets)

50% (0%)

50% (0%)

100% (0%)

50% (0%)


(% at GDS in brackets)

64% (7%)

64% (36%)

64% (29%)

50% (7%)



Data at the end of Reception is above the national average and children make good progress from their individual starting points. They leave Reception confident, sociable and independent - ready to learn in Year 1. In 2024, 85% of pupils achieved a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD) which was above the national figure of 67% in 2023.



An embedded phonics programme which is well resourced and where assessment data is used robustly to inform planning and learning means that outcomes in phonics have been strong for a number of years, with results above or close to the national average. In 2024, 90% of Year 1 pupils passed the phonics screening. Early reading is effective and targeted support is put in place which means that by the end of Year 2, 80% of children passed their phonics screening in 2024.





Our Subjects

Core Subjects 

At Woodmansterne we provide a creative curriculum which exceeds the requirements of the National Curriculum. The core subjects of maths, English and science along with Computing, PSHE, RE, PE, Music, Outdoor Learning and French are taught discreetly through carefully sequenced schemes of work. 




Learning Experiences 

Our Learning Experience curriculum is driven by engaging themes that provide meaningful and relevant experiences, fostering a love of learning for our pupils. Knowledge and skills are purposefully and logically sequenced to enable progression so that pupils know more and remember more, applying their learning in an interconnected way towards clearly defined end points in these subjects. As a result of extensive design and planning of our Learning Experience curriculum, learning is sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, and no learning is in isolation.

Art & D.T  



Foundation Subjects

At Woodmansterne we provide a creative curriculum which exceeds the requirements of the National Curriculum. The core subjects of maths, English and science along with Computing, PSHE, RE, PE, Music, Outdoor Learning and French are taught discreetly through carefully sequenced schemes of work. 




Outdoor Learning 




Our Early Years


Our approach to Early Years is built on a secure understanding of child development, predictable interests, and fascinations and how these ignite children’s natural curiosity and inspire them to explore, investigate and develop a love of learning. Play is at the heart of our curriculum. Through the seven areas of learning we provide first-hand learning experiences that excite and engage all children, building on own interests and developing their experiences of the world around them.

Most of our children enter with age-appropriate Literacy and Mathematical knowledge but are lower in their Personal, Social and Emotional Development and learning behaviours. We therefore in our curriculum we focus on giving the children the chance to explore risks and challenge, develop resilience and positive relationships with a variety of peers.

Reading underpins our entire curriculum, which is steeped in the development of fluency and the use of high-quality, age-appropriate vocabulary and we recognise that ensuring a strong foundation of early reading, is vital to achieving our aim that ever child leaves Woodmansterne a confident, fluent reader.

We work in partnership with parents and carers to provide the best possible start at school, ensuring everyone reaches their full potential through consistent communication and support.

By the end of the Reception year, our intent is to ensure that all children are individual, independent learners who feel free to take risks, have a love for learning and are equipped with the skills and knowledge to have a smooth transition into the next phase of their learning.



First-hand experience is vital for our children so there are always high-quality resources which are carefully chosen to meet the children’s needs and a range of trips and visits support this.

Each half term, EYFS staff introduce a new theme to provide inspiration for learning, whilst providing the flexibility for children to follow their own interests and ideas. Children learn through a balance of child-initiated and adult-directed activities and the timetable is carefully structured so that children have directed teaching every day.

These teacher-led inputs are followed by small, focused group work. This means the teacher can systematically check for understanding, identify and respond to misconceptions quickly and provide real-time verbal feedback which results in a strong impact on the acquisition of new learning. Through a skills-based curriculum, teachers are continually responding and adapting the provision to challenge misconceptions and accelerate progress.

Early reading is implemented using the Read Write Inc. phonics programme to ensure consistency across the school. Children are introduced to a new story regularly and are taught key vocabulary associated with this. Within both teaching sessions and the learning environment.  Children are given the opportunity to retell and engage with the story. In our Nursery class staff focus on developing the children’s speaking and listening skills as the foundations for phonics and in Reception, they are introduced to Set 1 sounds where they will develop GPC and segmenting and blending skills to decode words. Children are encouraged to read at home and are listened to regularly in school. They are given books that match their phonic knowledge.

Early maths is developed through a focus on the depth of understanding of mathematical concepts across EYFS e.g., a number a week in Reception. High quality learning environments and meaningful interactions with adults, support children in developing mathematical thinking and discussion. Pupils learn through games and tasks using concrete manipulatives, pictorial structures and representations which are then rehearsed applied and recorded within their own child-led exploration. In our Nursery Class, children develop a love of maths through games, songs, rhymes, and play using concrete manipulatives. There is a focus on the following counting principles; one to one correspondence, stable order and cardinal principle.

Children experience gross and fine motor experiences in the learning environment, giving them opportunities to take managed risks. We offer a range of additional intervention and support for children who may not be reaching their potential or are not showing a greater depth of understanding and need further challenge. This includes sessions for developing speech and language, social skills, fine motor skills, phonics, and mathematics. Parents receive regular communication including daily updates using the Class Dojo, examples of individual learning, a termly learning journey as well as family learning sessions and regular parents’ evenings.

EYFS Curriculum Map 


Data at the end of Reception is above the national average and children make good progress from their individual starting points. They leave Reception confident, sociable and independent - ready to learn in Year 1. In 2024, 85% of pupils achieved a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD) which was above the national figure of 67% in 2023.

EYFS Progressions of Skills


As children move from the EYFS into KS1 they need continuity of experience, with the same teaching and learning styles applied as they move through the school. This does not mean that what they will learn will be the same, but how they learn should be very similar and familiar.  The skills taught within the EYFS will progress as the children move from Nursery, to Reception and finally into Year 1. Below you can see how the skills taught in these areas, build on prior learning and develop within each stage. 



Nursery Skills

Reception Skills Year 1 Skills


Mud Play

Nursery Skills Reception Skills Year 1 Skills


Sand Play 

Nursery Skills Reception Skills Year 1 Skills


Water Play 

Nursery Skills Reception Skills Year 1 Skills


Role Play 

Nursery Skills Reception Skills Year 1 Skills


Small World 

Nursery Skills Reception Skills Year 1 Skills