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Woodmansterne Primary

Little Oaks Farm

Welcome to Little Oaks Farm, where we aim to offer a unique experience for the children at Woodmansterne, enriching both our curriculum, and extracurricular, offer for all children.

Nestled within our grounds is a purpose-built smallholding featuring stables, outdoor pens, and larger field areas dedicated to the animals we nurture. Alongside this, we have established a spacious allotment area complete with a poly-tunnel and raised beds, designed to complement our gardening and growing curriculum.

These incredible facilities provide every child in our school with the opportunity to engage in farming lessons, where they'll acquire a diverse range of skills essential for animal care. We believe that spending time with our animals is invaluable for supporting mental health and well-being. Our allotment area serves as a platform for honing gardening and growing skills, aligning with our broader commitment to sustainability.

The Vision

The Journey 


The building work is coming on at a pace, and as you can see below, the smallholding is starting to take shape. To launch the small holding project to the children, we were delighted to welcome some goats into school who joined us for an assembly all about Little Oaks Farm. We have already welcomed two new furry residents: Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny, our beloved rabbits.

Take a look at the photos below of the farm's progress so far...

 The Grand Opening

The day finally arrived and on 3rd May, 2024, we held the grand opening of Little Oaks Farm. Thanks to the unwavering support of Bourne Education Trust and the dedication of our school community, our dream of establishing a thriving small holding has finally come to fruition.

Little Oaks Farm is set to become a hub of outdoor learning. Through weekly sessions and engaging activities, our children will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the wonders of nature, learning invaluable skills and fostering a deep appreciation for the environment. We're also excited to extend a warm invitation to our wider community, with plans for open events and farm experiences in the near future. Our first residents, including chickens, pigs, and goats, have already found their home, with more exciting additions on the horizon.

Click here to read more about Little Oaks farm on the Bourne Education Trust website.


 Frequently Asked Questions


Take a look below at some frequently asked questions that will tell you everything you may wish to know about Little Oaks Farm.

 Be Part of the Project 


We are launching a fantastic opportunity for our Woodmansterne families to be involved right at the start of this amazing project, which will add so much to the offer for all our children.

For £10 you can buy a a special farm plaque. You will need to decorate this yourself including your family or child's name. You can include the year or date if you wish or your child's current year group. We would love the decoration of your plaque to reflect 'Little Oaks Farm' or Woodmansterne School but you own the plaque so be creative and feel free to make it your own!



1. How do I buy a plaque?

Log into your Arbour Parent App and look under 'Accounts'. You will see 'Little Oaks Farm' has now appeared. Click on this to purchase a plaque or two.

2. Can I buy more than one plaque?

Yes, you can buy one for your family or one per child. Just adapt the amount you wish to spend, when you order a plaque on the app e.g. £10 for one, £20 for two plaques etc.

3. How do I receive my plaque?

Once you have paid for your plaque on Arbor, we will order in the plagues and then give this to your child to take home to decorate. Further instructions regarding how to decorate this and where to return it will be provided with your blank plaque.

4. Where will my plaque go once I have decorated it?

The plaques will be displayed in our Outdoor Classroom at the entrance to Little Oaks Farm.

We can't wait to see your finished creations and to welcome you all as you become a special part of our school farm!


 Support from Local Businesses


Do you own a business or know of a business who would be interested in supporting the school's small holding project? If so, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school email address: school@wps.org.uk