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Woodmansterne Primary


We intend to provide a fulfilling and innovative computing curriculum that inspires children to stretch their abilities. We want to spark curiosity and encourage our children to embark on new challenges, working both independently and collaborating with others. Our intention is that computing also supports creativity and cross curricular learning to engage children and enrich their experiences in school.


Children will learn how to design and write programs, create a range of content using digital software and devices, create 3D models, critically evaluate the vast flow of information provided by the internet and learn how to be responsible digital citizens.

Our Computing curriculum focuses on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. Children are equipped to use computer science knowledge and understanding to create programs, systems and a range of content and are helped to become responsible, competent, confident, and creative users of information and communication technology.

At all stages, online safety is embedded into the learning and emphasised through discreet teaching linked to PSHE objectives.

Coverage Map 

KS1 Progression of Skills 

KS2 Progression of Skills 


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We are committed to embracing the latest technologies to enhance the learning experiences we provide for our children. Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in the design of our curriculum, empowering staff to plan and resource dynamic, creative and engaging lessons. For more information on this ever-changing area of technology, take a look at the video recording below of our recent parental webinar, where we introduced parents to the exciting possibilities AI brings to education and how it can enrich your child's learning journey.